BENSON Consultancy (HK) Limited
Our Expertise
We specialise in providing cost effective design alternatives for underground construction. We are able to draw upon over 25 years of experience in Hong Kong, Singapore, China, Mongolia, Philippines, Malaysia, UK, Australia and New Zealand.
Civil Engineering
We manage infrastructure design solutions for:
Metros and Ralways
Underground structures
Bridges and Highways
Complex Soil-Structure interfaces
Tunnelling / Geotechnical
We provide specialist consultancy advice and design solutions from concept to construction for:
Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs)
Cut and Cover
Drill and Blast
Ground Treatment
Construction Alternatives
Contractors often win tenders with ingenious design solutions. The Benson Consultancy is able to draw upon it's experiences and case histories from a wide range of countries to help Clients and Contractors generate the most cost effective and risk averse solutions.
Examples incude alternative construction methods, optimising programmes, and tunnel alignment options.
Independent Checking
Jim Benson has extensive experience as the designated Independent Checking Engineer (ICE). In Hong Kong he managed several contracts on the following:
MTRCL - West Island Line (WIL)
MTRCL - Express Rail Link (XRL)
MTRCL - South Island Line (SIL)
MTRCL - Kwun Tong Line extension (KTE)
DSD - Lai Chi Kok drainage tunnel
Expert Witness
The Benson Consultancy is experienced in providing expert witness, due diligence and claims advice.
Jim Benson has provided specialist expert witness and claims advice on underground tunnelling projects in London and Hong Kong.
Risk Management
Effective risk management techninues such as reference class forecasting are often the key to success on underground projects, where true risk mitigation is not always understood.
The Benson Consultancy is able to draw upon a wealth of personal experiences and contacts and to advise Clients and Contractors.